Last night as I lay there waiting for sleep to take me, I made a resolution not to come on the computer for the weekend, for the sake of my poor shriveled eyeballs. So when I woke up this morning, I decided to entertain myself by listening to a Drama CD that I downloaded a while ago but never got round to putting on - Miss Pudding, who was Sliced Up and Eaten (Kirikizamare Taberareta Miss Pudding. It's based on the Count Cain manga series by Kaori Yuki (she did Angel Sanctuary and Fairy Cube too, and has a rather typically beautiful shoujo manga drawing style). This Miss Pudding CD I acquired together with another from the same series, Kafka, which involved vampires. A few minutes into Miss Pudding, it started bothering me that I couldn't remember the cast properly, and the only way to rectify that was to press that little button on my magnetic laptop and pull out those CD booklet scans nestled within my ever increasingly snug hard drive. Sadly, I caved in and my resolution turned to dust and was scattered by the Wind of Lack of Self-Control.
I only finished the first part of the Drama CD, which dealt with the series of mysterious murders in which the culprit allegedly has long blonde hair, sings a Mother Goose nursery rhyme about puddings (I'm lost here. Does such a rhyme actually exist??), carves up the victim, eats them (I think I got this right), and leaves a plum pudding at the scene. Our protagonist is the Earl of Hargreaves, Cain, who is known as the Earl of Poisons for his predilection for collecting and studying different types of poisons. His little sister, Meryweather (played by Kawata Taeko, who I really enjoyed as the Duchess in Are You Alice?) tells him of the string of homicides, and creepily starts singing the song/rhyme. He makes her stop, and fires the servant who's been telling her those stories, and departs for a party. There, he saves a young woman from the unwanted advances of another man. She turns out to be the newly-wed Gladys Radcliffe, and asks if she could stay with Cain in the room that has been prepared for him in the manor. She is extremely distracted and distressed, and finally confesses that she thinks that she's the pudding murderer. She tells how she falls into a sleep way too deep, and on the morning after one of the murders, woke up to find a blood-stained pudding knife at the foot of her bed. She says that her husband, Radcliffe (of some title or another), disbelieves and dismisses her fears, and she has no one to turn to. At this moment, her husband barges in after knocking over some interior ornamentation of some sort, and yells at Cain to get away from his wife. Radcliffe is played by Chiba Susumu, and it was fun listening to him as a slightly angsty klutz. I didn't like Chiba as Ichijou in the Vampire Knight anime, but am minding it less now.
Anyway, I'm afraid I've got to go get ready to leave the house to meet my twin now. Can't reveal the conclusion of the story, or go into a detailed ramble about the CD, but might do so later. I'll turn off my computer, and hopefully it'll remain so till Monday, when it's time for me to get my Geass fix. :p
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5 years ago
Who is this twin? I demand an explanation! And what is this drama cd?
Yes, I'm wondering about this twin too... I also must confess that talk of manga and vampires and anything related usually goes right over the top of my head, but I *will* persevere...
Re: twin, I should have typed "twin" instead. Haha. We made a pact something like 8 (o.O) years ago. Gosh, that's eons ago!!!
A drama CD is like anime without the visual aspect. Pure audio. So they record these voice actors acting out the story and you just listen to the dialogue and sound effects, sometimes with narrative bits as well. The often dramatise manga (the comics) series into Drama CDs before they get picked up as anime (the animation/cartoons) series.
Aw, Juno, don't worry about it. I'm very happy just to ramble on about my current obsessions. Haha. :p
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