Just watched the latest episode, Turn 19, of Code Geass R2. And wow, what an episode it was. After the last one, I was looking forward to much drama and great plot shake-ups, but this surpassed all expectations. Brought tears to my eyes, this episode did.
WARNING: Spoilers Ahoy! Rambling and Babbling also sighted on the horizon
But I don't think anyone who reads this at the moment will really care/mind if I put spoilers for anime up here. Haha.
Lelouch, Lelouch, Lelouch! Why must you lie so? Two episodes ago, he lied to Suzaku concerning the truth about Euphy's death, and now he lied to Kallen by saying that to him, she's merely a pawn. He's set himself up as the ultimate villain and evil mastermind, and has driven all his allies away from him. All but the one who's too [psychotic/thick/emotionally twisted/underdeveloped/all of the above]. The irony is that what Lulu said to Rolo about hating, using, and wishing to kill him was actually a rare explosion of truth amongst the expanding tangles of lies. But of course, being emotionally deranged, Rolo comes back to save Lulu's skinny anime arse, and finally performs an act free from manipulation and control, by, you guessed it, dying.
I'm afraid MSN (and the maternal ancestor moving around the house and trying to interact with me) is distracting me from typing out a proper reaction and analysis to the episode. Many thoughts ran through my somewhat dulled brain while I was watching it, but unfortunately they have scattered. So once again I fail to rise above the level of "OMG THAT WAS SOOOO COOOL!!"-esque comments on anime. Ooh whellll. Need to get out of these pyjamas now.
EDIT: I forgot to add that it turns out that the casualties for the nuking of the Tokyo Settlement (in the anime, in case you didn't realise :p) was actually revealed to be in the millions! Something like 35 million in total. Whoa. Someone commented somewhere that it was incredibly brave to show an episode last week of Tokyo being nuked the week of the anniversary of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings. I won't bother to launch into an analysis of how the nuclear bombings have been etched into the Japanese psyche and all that.
You are a much better person than I with your giant spoiler warnings!
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