It is now raining in that wonderful way it can only do so properly in the tropics. There was the build-up to the storm, with overcast and cloud crowded skies, with the wind whipping it all up. And now it's all coming down, accompanied by the languid rumblings of the thundergods. Lovely. We had rain yesterday as well, which made the bus windows mist up when I was riding down south for a class gathering. It was my class for only less than three months, and I hadn't seen almost all of the people there in real life for something like 6 years. Deliberated for quite a bit before asking Jg to tell me to go. Haha. I am stupid like that - I'd be indecisive, more or less make up my mind, but would want someone to tell me to commit to the choice, or to ask me to do so.
Here's a snap of the view from the bus, with the lights dispersed by the misty windows:

And the view from the boardwalk of sorts where a very stoned Jg and I hung out:

I told Jg "You and I make a very good combination when you're stoned", which is so true, because when Jg has full command of her mental capacities, we'd both end up wanting to talk. A lot. So I take advantage of her vacantness and happily prattle on.
Ok, really need to get out of these pyjamas before Cc arrives.
Oh I do love a good storm. Also it wasn't until it started thundering here that I realised how much I'd missed the sound of the trains. I need big loud noises to be soothed, dammit!
I love your pretty picture of the lights sparking over the water (obviously!). I really do need to invest in a picture-taking device.
Ahaha, I've always more or less lived in quiet places my whole life, so didn't develop a loud noise dependancy like you did. :p
That's the port! The huge cranes look like Imperial Walkers a la Star Wars. I don't think you've seen the Star Wars films, though, have you? The original Luke-boy trilogy. That reminds me, I should add Star Wars to my list of interests! xp
Yes, please invest in a picture-taking contraption, even if it is one of those Victorian contrivances whereby you need to stick your head under a piece of cloth in order to operate. :p
Still haven't seen any of the Star Wars films, though Ringo (and more recently Freebird) have been trying to remedy this.
I find lists addictive. My interests/books/films etc lists might end up longer than a blog!
I wasn't quite thinking of a Victoriana-style contraption, but I want a semi-professional one! It's not very convenient though and rather expensive... I will try to rope someone who knows something about the world of technology into camera shopping soon, perhaps on the weekend.
I don't know who these people are, but if they're trying to get you to watch Star Wars, they can't be all that bad! :p
I love lists. <3 I prefer writing them out by hand, though!
Couldn't you get a camera phone at least? Do you have a mobile in Korea? What kind of phones do they have? Do they all use Samsungs as a form of national pride? Haha. :p
You know who one of them is! *tries to somehow convert her random gesturing into something typable*
Ringo is the one with the big hair and terrible eyesight who came to Fire & Stone with us. You 'member?
And yes, they can be all bad. Perhaps I shall post on that later... But I wanted to make a Dramatis Personae post... and I had amusing linketys to share... Perhaps I shall be making a few posts soon then!
Lists are fabulous, whether typed or hand written. I do prefer actually writing anything, but keeping things on the computer/interwebs tends to make things a mite easier in the long run.
I do have a camera phone but I can't get bluetooth working on my lappy so it wouldn't help much! Most people have crazily advance phones, they just sit around watching television on them on the subway, and phones actually work on the subway! It's sublimely ridiculous... Or maybe ridiculously sublime. Or both! Haven't really noticed the brands of the phones, don't think they're all Samsungs but it is possible!
Haha. Ok, I know Ringo. lol.
Recently I've been typing a bit more than writing. >.< I no longer keep a tangible diary. Too much effort. Whoops. I think I have too many notebooks, though.
Didn't your phone come with a USB cable for data transfer? Or does it have a memory card? You could use a card reader to transfer photos. ^^
We have reception underground here too, which is annoying when people are yabbering on the phone on the MRT (subway). I was annoyed and disparaging about England being backward and now having reception underground. Fair enough for the tube, which is so deep that perhaps they'll unearth dragons (you know, in that film with Christian Bale in it. What was the title again?), but not having reception in the basement sucked.
Well I bought the phone off of one of my friends who was leaving the country for peanuts (I mean I paid peanuts, he wasn't leaving for peanuts) so I'm a bit confused by it, but it doesn't seem to have anywhere to plug a USB cable into or a memory card (the phones here are all weird and different anyway, no SIM cards- what is this blasphemy?). Buying a camera seems the best way to go...
Reception in England is crappy. In several of my friends' houses in the 'burbs you had to lean out of the right window at the right angle or just give up on the dream of communication.
I bet they could get reception sorted on the tube though. Bah. I want dragons! Do you mean Reign of Fire? It sounds dubious at best...
Yes, it was Reign of Fire, and yes, it was dubious. Haha. I think I saw it at the point where I was renting quite a lot of DVDs and wasn't very selective. Haha. Think that was something like 5/6 years ago. o.O
They didn't have SIM cards in Japan as well..... That was inconvenient.
I live in the semi-sticks here, and have problems with phone reception in my house too. It used to be worse a few years ago, but now it gets slightly iffy sometimes in some parts of the house. Blah.
I haven't actually seen it. Obviously. :P
Silly East Asian countries with their lack of SIM cards and ridiculously advanced technology. Pfft.
The price we suffer for living in the sticks. I hope it's pretty at least!
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